The results of JGSS data analysis are reported in a Collection of JGSS Research Papers published at the end of every academic year. Each report can be downloaded from this page.(Monographs are printed in Japanese. Errors and omissions in publications are corrected. See list of errata in each monograph for details.)
JGSS Research Series:
JGSS Monograph Series:
JGSS Research Series No.18
Effects of the Types of Housing and Entry Phone on Response Rates:
Based on the JGSS-2018 Fieldwork Report by Interviewers
Tetsuo MO Noriko IWAI |
The Expansion of Women's Opportunities and Class Map: An Examination of the Empirical Applicability of Oesch Class Schema Using JGSS Dataset
Kazuko Sano |
The relationship between the diversity of social networks and psychological well-being in later life: An Analysis Using JGSS-2018
Nahyun KIM Keiko KATAGIRI |
Compare Electoral Mobilization among Organizations or Countries: An Analysis Using JGSS-2003 and EASS 2012 Data
Taka-aki ASANO |
JGSS Research Series No.17
The Structure of Foreign Consciousness of Japanese: A Latent Class Analysis of Social Distances Using JGSS-2017G/2018G
Jeongwoon KIM |
Relationship between Inconvenience of Grocery Shopping and Mutual Assistance: Using JGSS-2015 Data
Investigation of Theoretical Frameworks about Taking A leave:
An Empirical Analysis using JGSS-2015/2016
Kentaro SETO |
What Form Public Attitudes Toward Fiscal Consolidation? Theory and Data Analysis Using JGSS-2012
Riko YUJI |
JGSS Research Series No.16
Does Three-Generation Household Promote Women’s Labor Force Participation and Childbirth?: Causal Inference using JGSS-2009LCS
Takayuki SASAKI |
An examination of the determinants of general trust and in-group/out-group trust among Japanese people: An Analysis Using JGSS-2012
Pingping LIN |
Affecting Factors for Four Eco-Products Use of Japanese Consumers: in JGSS Cumulative Data 2000-2018
Masahiko OHASHI |
Development of the EASS 2020 Health Module
Satomi YOSHINO Noriko IWAI |
Data Preparation for Sharing of The Japanese Business Leaders Survey in 1960 and 1970: From Data Entry to Preparation for Onsite Use
Yuko NUKITA Tetsuo MO Noriko IWAI Hiroshi MANNARI |
Development of JGSS Data Download System: Design, Construction and Revision
Gaiko KAKU Jeongwoon KIM Keisuke TAKEMOTO Noriko IWAI |
Examining the relationship between patriotism, xenophobia, and gender: From the Data of JGSS-2008
Attitudes Toward Homosexuality: Analyzing Determinants and Decomposing Trends Using JGSS
Rei NAKA |
JGSS Research Series No.15
Investigating Changes of Political Party Support From 2009 to 2013: Using Asymmetric
Multidimensional Scaling Based on Distance-Radius Model |
Akinori OKADA |
The Effect of Parent’s Social Economic Resource on marriage: Examination of Relative Income
Hypothesis Analysis of Japanese General Social Surveys (JGSS-2012) |
Taiki HIRAI |
Family Changes and Family Values in Asian Societies: Exploring Similarities and Differences Based on EASS 2006/2016 and CAFS |
Hachiro IWAI |
The Diversification of Schooling History and Work Style in Japan: A Focus on the Comparison of Birth Cohorts Based on the JGSS-2015/2016 |
Kaori SONOBE Hachiro IWAI Tetsuo MO Yusuke MAZUMI Noriko IWAI |
JGSS-2017 Globalization Questionnaire Design and Development of EASS 2018 Globalization Module |
Satomi YOSHINO Tetsuo MO Noriko IWAI |
JGSS/EASS Bibliography |
JGSS Research Series No.14
Investigating Changes of Political Party Support From 2009 to 2013: Using Hierarchical Asymmetric Cluster Analysis to Interpret the Configuration Derived by Asymmetric Multidimensional Scaling |
Akinori OKADA |
The Transformation of Xenophobia based on JGSS Cumulative Data 2000-2012: Examination of “growing xenophobia in youth” |
Satoshi HARATA |
Childcare Leave Use among Japanese Women and Its Long-term Effect on Occupational Careers A Survival Analysis Using JGSS-2009LCS |
JGSS-2017 Questionnaire Design: EASS 2016 Family Module and New Items (Same-sex Marriage and Grit Scale) |
Takanori SUMINO
Noriko IWAI |
JGSS/EASS Bibliography |
JGSS Research Series No.13
Questionnaire Design Issues for the Education: Through the Implementation of JGSS-2015 |
Tetsuo MO
Noriko IWAI
Hachiro IWAI |
How Does the Presence of Migrants at Worksite Shape Japanese Attitudes toward Migration?: An Analysis using JGSS-2015 |
Yusuke MAZUMI |
Investigating Changes of Political Party Support From 2009 to 2013:Analysis by Asymmetric Multidimensional Scaling |
Akinori OKADA |
JGSS/EASS Bibliography |
JGSS Research Series No.12 (Special Issue: A Panel Study on Educational Opportunity and Life Course Post the "Lost Decade")
Change and Diversity in Life Course Post the “Lost Decade”: Descriptive Analysis using JGSS-2009/2013 Life Course Panel Survey Data |
Heiwa DATE
Hachiro IWAI
Takayuki SASAKI
Noriko IWAI |
Stability and Change in the Desirable Image of Japanese Society: An Analysis of JGSS-2009/2013 Life Course Panel Survey Data |
Kaori SONOBE |
Stability and Changes in Women's Work Careers: An Analysis of JGSS-2009/2013 Life Course Panel Survey Data |
Hachiro IWAI |
Consensual Ethnic Hierarchies among the East Asians: Mokken Scale Analysis with EASS 2008 |
What Shapes Public Opinion toward Foreign Workers in the Era of the Aging of Population in Japan: An Analysis Using JGSS-2008 |
Yusuke MAZUMI |
The Development of JGSS-2015 and EASS 2014 Work Life Module |
Noriki IWAI
Hideaki UENOHARA |
When Does Ideology Work for Democracy? An Analysis of JGSS-2003 about the Logic of Political Participation in Japan |
Masaki HATA |
JGSS Research Series No.11
The Effect of Political Talk on Political Knowledge: Using JGSS-2003 Dataset |
Family Structure and Educational Attainment Process: Analysis of Children from Single-Parent Families by JGSS Data |
Tomohiro SAITO |
Views of Five Generations of Japanese People about the Societies They Belong to and Their Personal Lives: An Analysis of JGSS-2012 Data |
Hiroko OTSUBO |
JGSS Statistical Analysis Seminar: Applied Model Using Propensity Score Weighting |
Sung-ho CHO |
JGSS Research Series No.10
The Effect of Adult Education on Political Engagement: Analysis of JGSS-2012 |
Tomoko SATO |
Unequal Distribution of Recognition in Relation with Socio-economic Status: A Cross-sectional Analysis of the JGSS-2012 Data |
Kenichi GENJIDA |
The Relationships between Pro-environmental Attitude and the Frequency of Car Use among Commuters: Analyses Focusing on Urbanism based on JGSS-2005 Data |
The Relation between Social Capital and Disaster Prevention Collective Efficacy of Community: An Analysis Using JGSS-2012 Data |
Takamasa SHIOTANI |
Position Generator as a Measurement of Network Diversity: Using JGSS-2012 Data |
Kazunori INAMASU |
Factors Related to Civic Engagement among Middle-aged and Older Japanese: Examination of Gender and Generation Differences in JGSS-2012 Data |
Ken’ichi IKEDA |
Emotional Social Support in East Asia: A Comparative Study Using EASS 2010 |
Heiwa DATE |
Health Status and Social Stratification in East Asia: Comparison Using EASS 2010 Data |
Noriko IWAI |
Transnational Identity in East Asia: Cross-national Analysis Based on EASS 2008 |
Hideaki UENOHARA |
Attitudes toward Globalization in East Asia: Analysis of Four East Asian Regions Using EASS 2008 Data |
Kunisuke HAMADA |
JGSS Statistical Analysis Seminar: Latent Class Model Analysis Using Panel Data |
Tomohiko TAKEUCHI |
Religion and Social Activities in Contemporary Japan: Analysis of JGSS Cumulative Data 2000-2002 |
Shigenori TERAZAWA |
JGSS Research Series No.9
Associations between Physical Activity Environment in Neighborhoods and Regular Exercise: A Cross-sectional Analysis of the JGSS-2010 Data |
An Analysis on Associations of Self-reported Infection, Fear and Vaccine Uptake of Influenza with Socio-economic Status during the 2009-2010 Pandemic of A(H1N1)2009pdm in Japan: Results from JGSS-2010 |
Tomoki NAKAYA |
Group Solidarity and Peace of Mind Mediate Effects of Social Situation and Work Environment on Loneliness and Job Satisfaction from the Data of JGSS-2010 |
The Relationship between Exposure to International News and Affinity to East Asia: A Comparative Analysis between China, Japan, South Korea, and Taiwan Using EASS 2008 Data |
Gender Differences in Norms of Financial Assistance to Parents and Intergenerational Support: A Comparative Study of Japan and South Korea Based on EASS 2006 Data |
Sujin LEE |
The Transformation of Japanese Gender Role Attitudes based on JGSS Cumulative Data 2000-2010: An Application of Age-Period-Cohort Analysis |
Takayuki SASAKI |
Changes in Attitudes toward Marriage in Japan: Analyses Using the JGSS Cumulative Data 2000-2010 |
A Study of the Effect of Parents Educational Assortative Mating on Their Children’s Educational Attainment: An Analysis of the Expansion-phase, Intensification-phase, Mitigation-phase in Higher Education by JGSS-2009LCS |
Heiwa DATE |
JGSS Statistical Analysis Seminar: Causal Analysis Using Propensity Score Weighting |
Hikaru HAYASHI |
Development of the East Asian Social Survey 2012 Network Social Capital Module (2): The Process from Osaka Meeting to Final Decision of Module |
Noriko IWAI |
What Japanese People Think and Do after the Great East Japan Earthquake, Tsunami, and the Fukushima Nuclear Accident: A Preliminary Investigation by JGSS-2012 Second Pretest |
Noriko IWAI |
An Influence of Women’s Popularizations of Higher Education upon a Change of Desirable Financial Assistance to Parents: A Comparative Analysis based on EASS 2006 Data |
JGSS Research Series No.8
Relationship between Hopelessness and Health-related Quality of Life: Results from JGSS-2010 |
Relationship between Pruritus and Subject-Perceived Environmental Pollution: Results from JGSS-2010 |
Addictive Behavior of the Japanese: A Preliminary Analysis of “Gambling” and “Video/Internet/Mobile Games” based on JGSS-2010 |
Ichiro TANIOKA |
A Study on Early English Education Using the Data of JGSS-2010 |
Junko Matsuzaki CARREIRA |
Japanese People’s Valuation of English Skills: Sociometric Analysis of JGSS-2010 |
Takunori TERASAWA |
Factors that Promote and Constrain Tourist Behavior: An Analysis Using JGSS-2010 Data |
Yoshifumi HAYASHI |
The Relationship between the Change of Employment Status and Acquisition of the Vocational Qualification: Analyzing the Data of JGSS-2009 Life Course Study |
Kenji AGATA |
A Study on the Determinants of Access to Higher Education Based on JGSS-2009LCS Data |
Empirical Study of Occupational Experience and Income Using JGSS-2009 Life Course Study |
Intertemporal Comparisons of the Union Wage Premium Using JGSS Data |
Michio NITTA
Takehisa SHINOZAKI |
Analyzing Social Affinity for Foreigners by Spectral Decomposition: Asymmetric Multidimensional Scaling of EASS 2008 Data |
Akinori OKADA |
Social Capital and Tolerance toward Foreigners in Japan: Analysis of JGSS-2008 |
Emi OOKA |
The Relationship between Well-Being and Eco-Friendly Behaviors: Analysis from the Data of JGSS-2008 |
The Relationship between Future Insecurity and Self-rated Health in Three Age Groups:Analysis of Using JGSS-2008 Data |
Nobuya FUJII |
A Time-series Analysis of Determinants of Fear of Crime: Using JGSS Cumulative Data 2000-2010 |
Mitsuaki UEDA |
Regional Differences in Response Rate in a Social Survey: Analysis of Survey Completion Data of the JGSS Cumulative Data 2000-2006 |
Kazumasa HANAOKA
Tomoki NAKAYA |
Improvement of Classification Accuracy in an ISCO Automatic Coding System: Results of Experiments Using both the SSM Dataset and the JGSS Dataset |
JGSS Statistical Analysis Seminar: Analysis of “the Others' Influences” Using Ego-Centric Network Data |
East Asian Social Survey 2012 Network Social Capital Module: The Development of Pretest Questionnaire in Japan, Korea, China, and Taiwan |
Yang CAO
Noriko IWAI |
The Logic of Non-Respondents: An Analysis of the Effect of Generalized Trust on “Degree of Cooperation” Based on JGSS |
Masahiro ZENKYO |
A JGSS Data-based Analysis of Rate of Return to Education: Focusing on the Regional Difference and Migration |
Kouhei HIRAGI |
JGSS Research Series No.7
Trends of Japanese Values and Behavioral Patterns Based on JGSS Cumulative Data 2000-2008 |
Kuniaki SHISHIDO Noriko IWAI |
The Analysis of Gubernatorial Approval using the JGSS-2008 |
Yukio MAEDA |
Japanese Attitudes Toward Childrearing:Opinions About the Ability to Raise Children in Japanese Society Based on JGSS-2008 Data |
Takayuki SASAKI |
Social Tolerance for the Use of Physical Punishment by Parents:An Analysis of Attitude toward Physical Punishment using JGSS-2008 |
Hachiro IWAI |
Affecting Factors for Eco-Behaviors of Japanese Consumers:Mainly on a Comparison between JGSS-2002 and 2008 |
Masahiko OHASHI |
Social Psychological Research for “Buycott” and Social Participation:Using JGSS-2008 Dataset |
Kazunori INAMASU Ken’ichi IKEDA |
A Note on Data-Linkage Between a Micro-Dataset of a Social Survey and a Geographical Macro-Data:An Analysis of Health and Social Capital by using JGSS-2008 |
Inequalities in Health and Health Care Access:Analysis of Access to Medical Care using JGSS-2008 |
Concern about Health Care and Socio-Economic Status: Analysis using JGSS-2008 data |
Chiyoe MURATA |
A Study on the Relationship between Future Financial Insecurity and Self-rated Health:Analysis of using JGSS-2008 data |
Jimpei MISAWA |
Why Low-Income Citizens Are Protectionist Consumers: A Research Note on JGSS-2008 |
Megumi NAOI |
Effects of Trust on Social Cohesion in a Multicultural Society: Analysis of JGSS-2008 |
The Influence of Affective Factors on English Reading and Conversation Proficiency among Japanese from the Data of JGSS-2008 |
Kaoru KOISO |
Analysis of Japanese Anime’s Domestic and Overseas Audience:Comparison between JGSS-2008 and TSCS-2008 |
Yuwen SUN |
The Effect of Third-party Influence in Marriage Partner Choice and Educational Assortative Mating:An Analysis of EASS 2006 Data |
A Study of Changes in the Postwar Japanese Life Course:A Research Perspective of JGSS-2009 Life Course Study and Results of Preliminary Analysis |
Hachiro IWAI |
Work Histories and Marriage Events: Dynamic Analyses of JGSS-2009 Life Course Study |
Keiko HIRAO |
An Analysis of Decision Making in Higher Education Using the Data from the JGSS-2009 Life Course Study: Testing the Relative Risk Aversion Model in Japan |
A Study on Japanese Young People’s Views for Their Human Resource Development:Analyzing the Data of JGSS-2009 Life Course Study |
Basic Analysis of Where People Acquire Basic Competency in Job: Using JGSS-2009LCS |
Josuke OKADA |
How Do People Work in the Workplace in JGSS-2009 Life Course Study?:Analyses of Work Amount, Proposing New Ideas, and Supporting Colleagues |
A Typology of Childrearing Worries:A Human Developmental Approach Using JGSS-2009 Life Course Study |
Takayuki SASAKI |
Social Network and Mental Health in Japanese Young People:An Empirical Analysis Using the JGSS-2009 Life Course Study |
Toshiyuki SHIRAKAWA |
JGSS Statistical Analysis Seminar: Causality Analysis based on the Propensity Score |
Kana MIWA Takayuki SUGASAWA |
Development of East Asian Social Survey 2010 Health Module(2):Adjustments based on the Pretests in Japan, Korea, China and Taiwan |
Kana MIWA Noriko IWAI |
The Gender Gap in Political Participation:A JGSS-2003 data-based Analysis of Political Resources and Political Involvement |
JGSS Research Series No.6
Trends of Japanese Values and Behavioral Patterns Based on JGSS Cumulative Data 2000-2006 |
Kuniaki SHISHIDO Noriko IWAI |
A Note on Data-Linkage Between a Micro-Dataset of a Social Survey and Geodemographics:An Application to Examining Geographical Variations in Self-Rated Health at a Small Areal Level Using the JGSS Cumulative Data 2000-2003 |
An Examination on Marriage Squeeze by Split Population Duration Model:By Using JGSS Data |
Should Pets Suffering From Fatal Diseases Be Euthanized? Japanese Attitudes Toward Euthanasia of Pets as Seen in Data of JGSS-2006 |
Hizuru SUGITA |
Social Capital and Perceived Risk of Crime in Neighborhoods:An Empirical Analysis Using JGSS-2006 |
Difference in Information Technology Use and Its Social Effects in Early 2000:Utilizing JGSS Data |
Toshiyuki SHIRAKAWA |
Determinants of Volunteer Activities in Local Communities:An Empirical Analysis Using JGSS-2006 |
The Characteristics of English Users and English Proficiency of Japanese People:From the Data of JGSS-2002 and JGSS-2006 |
Kaoru KOISO |
Favorability of Mongolia in Japan Seen From JGSS-2006:Comparison With East Asian Countries/Region |
Kunio MINATO |
Whose Size Counts? Multilevel Analysis of Japanese Anti-Immigrant Attitudes Based on JGSS-2006 |
Investigating the Diversified Patterns of Life Course:Notes on JGSS-2009 Life Course Research Design |
Takayuki SASAKI Hachiro IWAI
Noriko IWAI Tokio YASUDA |
Development of EASS 2010 Health Module: Results of JGSS Pretest |
JGSS Research Series No.5
A New Class Mapping Using Micro-Class Schema From JGSS Cumulative Dataset |
Satoshi MIWA |
Japanese Perspectives on “Asia”: Analyses of JGSS-2006 |
Shunsuke TANABE |
Analyzing Gender and Volunteer Activity Using JGSS-2005:Implicit Comparison With Political Participation |
Yukio MAEDA |
Factor Promoting Volunteer Activity in the Middle-Aged and the Elderly and Community Life Satisfaction: An Analysis Based on JGSS-2006 |
Kuniaki SHISHIDO |
Exploring Regional Factors Related to Participation in International Cooperation Activities:Analysis Using JGSS-2006 |
An Analysis of Visiting Records in Japanese General Social Surveys |
Tokio YASUDA |
JGSS Statistical Analysis Seminar: Application Examples of Event History Analysis |
Takayuki SASAKI |
Influences of Family and Social Environments on English Proficiency Among Japanese People: Through Reanalysis of JGSS-2002 and 2003 |
Takunori TERASAWA |
Social Systems as Determinants of Japanese Attitudes Toward Acceptance of Foreigners:The Correlation Between Institutions and Consciousness Reflected in JGSS-2005 Data |
Yong Ryung LEE |
JGSS Research Series No.4
Inter-generational Support to Own Parents / Parents-in-law and Stem Family System:Based on the Data of the JGSS-2006 |
Kuniaki SHISHIDO |
Parental housing assistance as a determinant of parent-child proximity in Japan:Results from the JGSS-2006 |
Rokuro TABUCHI |
Determinants of Mate Selection Behavior in Japan:An Analysis using JGSS-2006 |
Jun’ya TSUTSUI |
Effects of Sibship Size and Gender on Educational Attainment in Japan:Analyses of JGSS-2006 |
Keiko HIRAO |
Job Quitting and Fertility among Married Women in Japan and Taiwan:A Comparative Analysis of the JGSS and the TSCS |
Hiroshi KOJIMA |
Attitude and Behavior of the Japanese on Aid for Developing Countries:Discussion from JGSS-2006 data |
Kunio MINATO |
Effects of Parental Educational Attitudes on Educational Costs:An Analysis Using JGSS-2006 data |
Japanese Occupational Aspiration from JGSS-2006:From Age of Wisconsin Model to Aspiration Anomie |
Shinichi AIZAWA |
Determinants of the value of visitation after divorce:from the Data of JGSS-2006 |
Determinants of the Desire to Commit a Suicide:JGSS-2006 Data Analysis |
An examination of the determinants of personal opinions about CCTV:As seen in data from JGSS-2006 |
Yoshitaka ASADA |
Relationship between Underemployment and Gender in Youth Labor Market:From the Analysis of Integrated Data of JGSS |
Toshiyuki SHIRAKAWA |
Trends of Income Level and Distribution:Comparison of the results of JGSS Data and Government Statistics |
Takehisa SHINOZAKI |
Cross-national Social Surveys in East Asia:World Values Survey, ISSP, AsiaBarometer, Asian Barometer, East Asia Value Survey, and EASS |
Kunio MINATO |
Development of EASS 2008 Culture Module:The Result of JGSS Pretest |
Miki ENOKI |
Latent Class Models of the use of communication devices based on JGSS-2005:Example of Application in the Statistical Analysis Seminar |
Effects of daily life information on political decision making:From the Data of JGSS-2001 |
Akiko NOMURA |
The Influence of the Perceived Threat and Contact in Japanese Anti-immigrant Attitude:Analysis of JGSS-2003 |
Poverty and Social Assistance System in Japan:Analysis of Take-up Rate Behavior of Social Assistance based on The JGSS Data |
JGSS Research Series No.3
Cross-national Social Survey in East Asia The World Values Survey, ISSP, AsiaBarometer, East Asia Value Survey and EASS |
Kunio MINATO |
Trends of Japanese Values and Behavioral Patterns based on JGSS Cumulative Data 2000-2003 |
Noriko IWAI Kuniaki SHISHIDO |
Difference between Men's Happiness and Women's Happiness in Later Life An Analysis Based on JGSS Integrated Data 2000/2001 |
Kuniaki SHISHIDO |
Social Awareness about Possession and Use of the Automobile based on JGSS-2005:Mainly on the Difference of City and County, Possessor and Non-possessor |
Feizhou SUN |
To give, or not to give; to volunteer, or not to volunteer, that is the question Evidence on Japanese philanthropic behavior revealed by the JGSS-2005 data set |
Volunteer Activities, Membership of Nonprofit Organizations and Views of Work Style from JGSS-2005 |
Japanese attitudes toward genetically modified(GM) foods from JGSS-2005 Data |
Yutaka TANAKA |
A Study of the use of credit cards: From the Data of JGSS-2005 |
A study on Japanese psychologism using the data of JGSS-2005:The spurious correlation between psychological knowledge and psychological reductionism |
Naomi YASUDA |
Women’s Higher Education and Marriage Timing in an era of employment uncertainty |
Determinants of Regular Exercises: From the Data of JGSS-2003 |
Yuwen SUN |
The truth of the theory of winner and loser Examination from an analysis of the determinants of people’s happiness |
The “Conservative” and “Progressive” Ideology and Issue Opinions |
An Analysis Using JGSS-2002 Data of the Determinants of Purchasing Organic Vegetables |
Michiko YAMAMOTO |
JGSS Research Series No.2
Trends of Japanese Values and Behavioral Patterns based on JGSS Cumulative Data 2000-2003 |
Noriko IWAI Kuniaki SHISHIDO |
Diversity of Work-style in Contemporary Japan from JGSS Cumulative Data 2000-2003 |
Kaoru SATO |
A Time Series Comparison of Self-identification of Social group from JGSS data |
Takehisa SHINOZAKI |
The Pattern of Intergenerational Social Mobility in Contemporary Japan from JGSS Cumulative Data 2000-2003 |
Satoshi MIWA |
Steadiness of Trust in Organizations: Multiple Group Analysis of the JGSS Cumulative Data 2000-2003 |
Party Identification and Estimation of Parties’ Competency: JGSS Cumulative Data 2000-2003 |
Satoko YASUNO |
Karaoke as an Expression of Masculinity:A Model-Testing of Karaoke Play Frequency by Using JGSS-2001 Data |
Ichiro TANIOKA |
The Characteristics of Motivation of Japanese Adult English Learners from JGSS-2003 Data |
Kaoru KOISO |
The relationship between the presence of children and the degree of attachment to dogs in Japanese households:Using JGSS data |
Hizuru SUGITA |
"Diversity" of Senior Citizen's Social Networks: An Analysis of Discussion Network Based on JGSS-2003 |
Kuniaki SHISHIDO |
The Factors Affecting Expenditure on Education: Results of Japanese General Social Surveys(JGSS-2002) |
Contact with foreigners and attitude toward them: rethinking of contact theory from JGSS-2003 data |
Shigemi OHTSUKI |
Issues on the Public Use of the Register of Residents for Social Surveys:Measures to meet the new situation devised through the sampling for JGSS-2005 |
Noriko IWAI Taichi INABA |
Effects of mothers' employment on children:An analysis of the determinants of people’s attitudes towards working mothers |
Xenophobia and the Effects of Education:Determinants of Japanese Attitudes toward Acceptance of Foreigners |
Misako NUKAGA |
JGSS Research Series No.1
Diversity of Work- and Life-style in Contemporary Japan from the Data of JGSS-2003 |
Kaoru SATO |
Affecting Factors for the Information Search Behavior of Japanese-Consumers in the Data of JGSS-2003 |
Masahiko OHASHI |
A Study of Attachment to the Community and its concern about the Children From the Data of JGSS-2003 |
Shigeru SANO |
Determinants of Allergies: Exploratory Contextual Analyses of the JGSS-2002 |
Hiroshi KOJIMA |
Motivation of Japanese English learners: From the data of JGSS-2003 |
Kaoru KOISO |
The Players of Pachinko & Pachislo: Prevalence, Frequency and Allowance;A report from JGSS-2002 |
Ichiro TANIOKA |
A Study of Dog’s Role as Substitute Children: From the Data of JGSS |
Hizuru SUGITA |
Composite Social Networks: Describing three overlapping discussion networks |
Keiko NAKAO |
Personal network, social capital and political attitudes in JGSS-2003 |
Satoko YASUNO |
The Creation of Social Capital and Political Reality from Political & Non-Political Social Networks:Using the Social Networks Module on the Japanese General Social Survey (JGSS-2003) |
Ken’ichi IKEDA |
A Study on Determinants of Preference for Redistribution:Results and Empirical Comparisons between JGSS and other Surveys |
Takehisa SHINOZAKI |
Estimation of Accuracy for Assignment of Number of Survey Points at Two-stage Stratified Sampling on JGSS:For example, assignment of number of survey points at JGSS-2000 |
Taichi INABA |
Applying the occupation coding supporting system for coders(NANACO) in JGSS-2003 |
An Analysis on the Missing Mechanism of Fathers’ Education in JGSS:The difference between DK and NA |
Tokio YASUDA |
What determines people's working hours? Analysis of working hours considering the effects of people's inclination for leisure |
The impact of conservative-progressive ideology on party support and policy opinions from analysis of Japanese General Social Surveys(JGSS) |
Suzuko TAJIKA |
JGSS Monograph Series No.3
Determinants of Attitudes toward Children: A Comparative Analysis of the JGSS-2000/2001/2002 and the Taiwan Social Change Survey 2001 |
Hiroshi KOJIMA |
Marriage in a Low Fertility Society: Utilizing JGSS-2000, JGSS-2001, and JGSS-2002 |
Shinji ANZO |
The Relevance of High School Education and University Education |
Yuki HONDA |
The Effects of English Learning Experience on Japanese People’s English Conversation Ability:From the Data of JGSS-2002 |
Hizuru SUGITA |
The Contemporary Japanese Newspaper Readership From the Data of JGSS-2002 |
Masafumi KIMURA |
Attitude toward the Legalization of Casino Gaming in Japan: The Difference in Regions, Urbanization Levels, and by Socio-Economic Background |
Ichiro TANIOKA |
Affecting Factors for Eco-Behaviors of Japanese-Consumers in the Data of JGSS-2002 |
Masahiko OHASHI |
Atypical Work, Employment Terms, and Occupational Consciousness in JGSS-2002 |
Kaoru Tsuburai SATO |
A Study on Young People of Not Employment, Education or Training (NEET):Comparing NEET, Unemployed and Employed Worker Using the Integrated Data of JGSS-2000, 2001 and 2002 |
Takehisa SHINOZAKI |
Education, Occupation, Hierarchy and Income in Japan:An investigation of life-long employment using JGSS |
Yukimitsu NISHIMURA |
Social Inequality and Status Consciousness in Cross-national Comparative Perspective |
Hiroshi ISHIDA |
A combination of ROCCO system and Support Vector Machines in occupation coding |
The Generalized χ2 Goodness-of-fit Test for Large-scale Sample:Application to the data of JGSS |
Tokio YASUDA |
Religion as a Determinant of Social Attitudes A comparison between three groups:"Religious," "Not religious," and non-religious members of a “Family faith” |
Japanese Cognitive Map of Nations based on their liking:Analyses of JGSS 1st pilot survey data |
Shunsuke TANABE |
The conceptions of human nature and public opinion toward punishment |
Masatoshi ISHII |
Measurement of Perceived Risk of Crime and Victimization using JGSS |
Takahito SHIMADA |
Japanese General Social Surveys: Beginning and Development |
Noriko IWAI |
JGSS Monograph Series No.2
Determinants of Fertility Preferences: A Comparative Analysis of the Public Opinion Surveys on Population Issues (1990/1995) and the JGSS-2000/2001 |
Hiroshi KOJIMA |
Determinants of Divorce in Japan : Analysis of Discrete Time Hazard Model about Divorce using the JGSS-2000 |
Shinji ANZO |
Increase of Atypical employment in Japanese Youth Labor Market and its Determining Factors:From the Analysis of Integrated Data of JGSS-2000 and JGSS-2001 |
Yuki HONDA |
Self-employment: Work Choice and Estimates of Income Function |
Yukimitsu NISHIMURA |
Political Attitudes in JGSS-2001 |
Satoko YASUNO |
Masculinity, Daily Routine, and Crime Victimization: A test of Routine Activity Theory by using the JGSS-2001 Data |
Ichiro TANIOKA |
The Transmission of Experiences An Analysis of Opinions about Physical Punishment using JGSS-2000/2001 |
Hachiro IWAI |
The Effects of Dog Ownership and Attachment to Dogs on Japanese Dog Owners’ Physical and Emotional Health: From the Data of JGSS-2001 |
Hizuru SUGITA |
The Contemporary Japanese and “Family Religion” from the Data of JGSS-2000/2001 and Other Social Surveys |
Masafumi KIMURA |
The Background of the Diversity in Attitudes Toward One’s Own Grave:Results of Japanese General Social Surveys(JGSS-2000/2001) |
Noriko IWAI |
An Applying the Automatic Occupational/Industrial Coding System to JGSS-2001 |
Implementing a Social Networks Module in the Japanese General Social Surveys(JGSS):Results of the Pre-test |
Keiko NAKAO Ken’ichi IKEDA Satoko YASUNO |
JGSS Monograph Series No.1
Effects of Changing Jobs on Status Attainment:Analysis of the JGSS-2000 data |
Keiko NAKAO |
Trends in Social Inequality Based on the Pattern of Intergenerational Mobility:A Recent Shown in the JGSS-2000 |
Hiroshi ISHIDA |
A Study on Labour Supply and Work Hours of Married Couples:Results from the JGSS-2000 |
Aging and Social Supports for Living: An Analysis of the Elderly using JGSS-2000 |
Hachiro IWAI |
A Trial Measurement for Income Function Analysis of Labor in Employment System |
Yukimitsu NISHIMURA |
International Comparison of Continuing Education and Training: Results from JGSS-2000 and International Adult Literacy Survey |
Yuki HONDA |
Party Identification and Political Attitudes in JGSS-2000 |
Satoko YASUNO Ken'ichi IKEDA |
The Reason People Buy a Lottery Ticket:A Test of "Friedman=Savage Model" of Gambling Behavior in Japan through JGSS-2000 Data |
Ichiro TANIOKA |
The Contemporary Japanese Religious Consciousness From Some Data of JGSS-2000 and Other Social Surveys |
Masafumi KIMURA |
The Influence of the Number of Household Members on the Perception of Pets Observed in the Data of JGSS-2000 From the Perspective of Children Present at Home |
Hizuru SUGITA |
Income Effect to Fertility Behavior:An Application of the Butz and Ward Model to the JGSS-2000 |
Makoto SHIMIZU |
Institutionalization of Preschool Education and The Myth of First Three Years: An Analysis Using JGSS-2000 Data |
An Applying the Automatic Occupational/Industrial Coding System to JGSS-2000 |
An Optimal Assignment of No. of Examination Points at Two-stage Stratified Sampling by National Social Survey: Estimation of Assignment of Number of Examination Points at JGSS-2000 |
Taichi INABA |