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国際会議 WAPOR 77th and WAPOR Asia Pacific 7th Joint Annual Conference

■ Session: Addressing the Challenges in Data Collection for CGSS, JGSS, KGSS and TSCS   [7月29日、EASSセッション]  

The Challenges and Reactions in Data Collection of The Taiwan Social Change Survey (TSCS)
WU Chyi-in (Institute of Sociology, Academia Sinica, Taiwan)
Changes to the Methodology to Address the Challenges in Data Collection for the Japanese General Social Survey
YOSHINO Satomi (JGSS Research Center, Osaka University of Commerce)
IWAI Noriko (JGSS Research Center, Osaka University of Commerce)
Conducting Chinese General Social Survey as Mixed-mode Surveys
HU Yisong (National Survey Research Center at Renmin University of China)
Weidong WANG (National Survey Research Center at Renmin University of China)
Data Collection Challenges and Innovations of the Korean General Social Survey (KGSS)
KIM Worlhwa (Survey Research Center, Sungkyunkwan University, Korea)

■ Session: Measuring Religiosity and Views toward Religion in the Asia-Pacific Region   [7月30日]  

Religious Beliefs and Religious Organizations in Japan based on the JGSS Cumulative Data 2000-2023
IWAI Noriko (JGSS Research Center, Osaka University of Commerce)

国際会議 5th International ESS Conferenceで報告

Session: Democracy and the COVID-19 pandemic Ⅲ  

Views on Government Measures against the COVID-19: Comparing Japan and EU Countries
IWAI Noriko (JGSS Research Center, Osaka University of Commerce)
YOSHINO Satomi (JGSS Research Center, Osaka University of Commerce)

EASSとESS(European Social Survey)との共同プロジェクトとConference
 (ロンドン大学シティ大学 ESS ERIC Headquarters、2024年1月23-24日)

■ EASSとESSの間で、2024年1月に研究協力協定(Memorandum of understanding)を締結


■ EASS-ESS Conference の報告

Japanese General Social Survey (JGSS)
IWAI Noriko (JGSS Research Center, Osaka University of Commerce, Japan)
IWAI Hachiro (Setsunan University; Emeritus Professor, Kyoto University, Japan)
Addressing the Challenges in Data Collection for the Korean General Social Survey (KGSS)
KIM Jibum (Survey Research Center, Sungkyunkwan University, Korea)
Taiwan Social Change Survey (TSCS)
WU Chyi-in (Institure of Sociology, Academia Sinica, Taiwan)
Chinese General Social Survey (CGSS): Evoluton, Achievements, and Challenges
WANG Weidong (National Survey Research Center, Renmin University of China)
ESS current methodology and changes underway for Round 12
Tim Hanson (ESS ERIC HQ, City University of London)
Gianmaria Bottoni (ESS ERIC HQ, City University of London)

国際会議 XX ISA World Congress of Sociology での報告

■ Session 857: Health and Well-being of Individuals in East Asia: Changes from 2010 through 2021 [EASSのセッション] (2023/6/26)

 Session Organizer: Noriko IWAI, JGSS Research Center, Osaka University of Commerce, Japan

Interplays of Subjective Health, Objective Health, and Health Beliefs in Korea
SHIM Jae-Mahn (Korea University, Korea)
KIM Jibum (Sungkyunkwan University, Korea)
OH Heijin (Korea University, Korea)
The Impact of Social Capital upon Health and Well-Being of Individuals in Taiwan: Changes from 2010 through 2021
WU Chyi-in (Academia Sinica, Taiwan)
CHEN Yi-fu (National Taipei University, Taiwan)
Social Exclusion and Well-Being of Older Persons in Japan: Comparison between 2010 and 2021
YOSHINO Satomi (JGSS Research Center, Osaka University of Commerce, Japan)
IWAI Noriko (JGSS Research Center, Osaka University of Commerce, Japan)
Effect of the COVID-19 Epidemic on Body Mass Index: A Natural Experiment Result Based on the Wuhan Lockdown
WANG Weidong (Renmin University of China, China)
HU Yisong (Renmin University of China, China)


■ Session 862: Recovery, Resilience, and Regeneration beyond Disasters (2023/6/30)

 Session Organizer: Koichi HASEGAWA, Shokei Gakuin University, Japan

Has Japan's Resilience Enhanced through Repeated Disasters? Based on Japanese General Social Surveys (JGSS) and a Survey Conducted in Coastal Areas Affected By the Great East Japan Earthquake
IWAI Noriko (JGSS Research Center, Osaka University of Commerce, Japan)
SHISHIDO Kuniaki (Osaka University of Commerce, Japan)
Reconstruction Process and the Problems on Evacuation Area in Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant Accidents
TAKAKI Ryosuke (Shokei Gakuin University, Japan)
KAWAZOE Saori (Toyo University, Japan)
Women and Community Disaster Resilience in Post-3.11 Japan
IKEDA Keiko (Shizuoka University, Japan)
The Reconstruction Process and the Function of Community Resilience in Tsunami-Affected Areas of the Great East Japan Earthquake: The Case of Onagawa Town
TSUJI Takashi (National Institute for Environmental Studies, Japan)
KURODA Yoshihiko (Sugiyama Jogakuen University, Japan)


Views on Government Measures against the COVID-19 and Infection Fear in Japan
IWAI Noriko (JGSS Research Center, Osaka University of Commerce)  
Social Isolation and Loneliness of Japanese Individuals during the COVID-19 Pandemic
YOSHINO Satomi (JGSS Research Center, Osaka University of Commerce)
Japanese People’s General Trust and Trust in Organization Under the COVID-19 Pandemic : Based on Japanese General Social Survey 2021/2022
LIN Pingping (JGSS Research Center, Osaka University of Commerce)

国際会議 Wapor Asia Pacific 2022 Conferenceで報告

Session 15.6: EASS Asian Social Survey (EASS) and Covid-19  

Views on Government Measures against the COVID-19 and Infection Fear in Japan
YOSHINO Satomi (JGSS Research Center, Osaka University of Commerce)
IWAI Noriko (JGSS Research Center, Osaka University of Commerce)

国際会議 RC33 Logic and Methodology in Sociologyで報告

Session 1: Harmonization of Background Variables for Cross-national Surveys  

Harmonization of Background Variables for East Asian Social Survey
IWAI Noriko (JGSS Research Center, Osaka University of Commerce)
MO Tetsuo (JGSS Research Center, Osaka University of Commerce)

国際会議 The International Conference on Changing Family Life in East Asiaで報告 (オンライン開催、台湾、2020年9月26日)

Session IX: Family Values and Relationships

Changes of Family Values and Behavior in Four East Asian Societies based on EASS 2006 and EASS 2016
IWAI Noriko (JGSS Research Center, Osaka University of Commerce)
SHISHIDO Kuniaki (JGSS Research Center, Osaka University of Commerce)
SASAKI Takayuki (JGSS Research Center, Osaka University of Commerce)

JGSS国際シンポジウム2020の報告 (2020年1月11-12日) 

大阪商業大学JGSS研究センター  岩井 紀子
■ Part I   「日本学術振興会『人文学・社会科学データインフラストラクチャー構築推進事業』データ共有基盤の構築・強化に向けて」のシンポジウム
    司会: 大阪商業大学JGSS研究センター 運営委員/公共学部 准教授 佐々木 尚之
人文学・社会科学データインフラストラクチャー構築推進センター  廣松 毅
国立情報学研究所オープンサイエンス基盤研究センター  朝岡 誠
東京大学社会科学研究所社会調査・データアーカイブ研究センター  三輪 哲
慶應義塾大学経済学部 石井 加代子
人文学・社会科学データインフラストラクチャー構築推進事業 一橋大学における取組状況
一橋大学経済研究所社会科学統計情報研究センター  田中 雅行
東京大学史料編纂所  山田 太造
大阪商業大学JGSS研究センター 運営委員/公共学部 教授  宍戸 邦章
国立環境研究所社会環境システム研究センター  青柳 みどり
東北大学大学院環境科学研究科  中谷 友樹
       谷岡 一郎 大阪商業大学学長/教授
      ・ 前田 幸男 人文学・社会科学データインフラストラクチャー構築推進センター 研究員(PO)
  ・ 船守 美穂 国立情報学研究所情報社会相関研究系 准教授
  ・ 三輪 哲  東京大学社会科学研究所社会調査・データアーカイブ研究センター 教授
  ・ 山本 勲  慶應義塾大学経済研究所パネルデータ設計・解析センター センター長
  ・ 田中 雅行 一橋大学経済研究所社会科学統計情報研究センター 准教授
  ・ 大向 一輝 東京大学大学院人文社会系研究科 准教授
  ・ 岩井 紀子 大阪商業大学JGSS研究センター センター長
■ Part II   JGSSシンポジウム
   司会: 大阪商業大学JGSS研究センター 運営委員/京都大学大学院教育学研究科 教授 岩井 八郎 
大阪商業大学JGSS研究センター  孟 哲男
大阪商業大学公共学部  宍戸 邦章
早稲田大学大学院文学研究科  中 澪
国立社会保障・人口問題研究所人口動向研究部  釜野 さおり
首都大学東京大学院人文科学研究科  阿部 彩
■Part III   EASS Symposium
  Keynote Addresses
The World Values Survey: Organization, History, and Findings in East Asia and Beyond (1981-2020)
Christian W. Haerpfer (President of World Values Survey Association)
Kseniya Kizilova (Head of the Secretariat, World Values Survey Association)
  Overview of East Asian Social Survey (EASS)
     Chairperson: IWAI, Noriko (Professor, Director, JGSS Research Center, Osaka University of Commerce)
Overview of EASS and EASS Data
IWAI, Noriko (JGSS Research Center, Osaka University of Commerce)
Overview and Influence of KGSS
KIM, Jibum (Survey Research Center, Sungkyunkwan University)
KIM, Seokho (Department of Sociology, Seoul National University)
Overview and Influence of CGSS
WANG, Weidong (School of Sociology and Population Studies,
Renmin University of China)
Overview and Influence of TSCS
WU, Chyi-In (Institute of Sociology, Academia Sinica)
  Examination of Trend Over the Decade with EASS Data
     Chairperson: IWAI, Noriko (Professor, Director, JGSS Research Center, Osaka University of Commerce)
Results from EASS 2006 and EASS 2016 Family Module
SASAKI, Takayuki (Faculty of Public Affairs, Osaka University of Commerce)
Results from EASS 2008 and EASS 2018 Globalization Module
TAKEMOTO, Keisuke (JGSS Research Center, Osaka University of Commerce)
  EASS Panel Discussion on the Health Module: Toward the 2020 Health Module
Overview of the EASS 2010 Health Module and Macro Health Statistics Trends
YOSHINO, Satomi (JGSS Research Center, Osaka University of Commerce)
   SONG, Yueping (Professor, School of Sociology and Population Studies, Renmin University of China)
   WENG, Hui-Ching (Professor, Institute of Gerontology, National Cheng-Kung University)
   IWAI, Noriko (Professor, Director, JGSS Research Center, Osaka University of Commerce)
   SHIM, Jae-Mahn (Associate Professor, Department of Sociology, Korea University)

国際会議7TH International Symposium on Environmental Sociology in East Asia (ISESEA)で報告 (2019年10月26日)

1-2. Anti-Nuclear Movements in East Asia

Changes in Perception of Disaster Risks and Attitudes Toward Nuclear Energy Policy: Trends in Public Opinion Surveys and Analysis Using JGSS Data
IWAI Noriko (JGSS Research Center, Osaka University of Commerce)
SHISHIDO Kuniaki (JGSS Research Center, Osaka University of Commerce)

国際会議 RC06-VSA International Conference Ha Noi 2019: Vietnam Academy of Social Sciencesで報告 (2019年10月18日)

Changes of Household Composition, Intergenerational Exchanges and Attitudes Toward Inheritance of the Family Grave: Based on JGSS-2000/2001/2010/2015
/2018 Data
IWAI Noriko (JGSS Research Center, Osaka University of Commerce)

国際会議 2019 East Asian Society for the Scientific Study of Religion(EASSSR) で報告 (2019年7月27日)

Session 1

Religion, Grave and Religious Observance in Japan: JGSS cumulative data 2000-2018
IWAI Noriko (JGSS Research Center, Osaka University of Commerce)

2019 European Survey Research Association Conferenceで報告

Gender Equality in Comparative Perspective 2, Parallel Sessions 7 (2019年7月17日)

Exploring Similarities and Differences in Gender Role Attitudes and Practices in Asian Societies: Based on EASS 2006/16 and CAFS
Hachiro Iwai (Kyoto University)

Evaluating survey Response Scales 3, Parallel Sessions 11 (2019年7月19日)

The Effects of Differences in Response Scale in Cross-National Surveys
IWAI Noriko (JGSS Research Center, Osaka University of Commerce)
YOSHINO Satomi (JGSS Research Center, Osaka University of Commerce)

国際社会学会 2019 RC06 Family Researchで報告 (2019年7月7日)

International Symposium on Families Amidst Global and Local Processes: Economic, Political and Cultural Change Session XII : INTERGENERATIONAL SOLIDARITY AND COHESION

Changes of Family Values and Behavior in Four East Asian Societies based on
EASS 2006 and EASS 2016
IWAI Noriko (JGSS Research Center, Osaka University of Commerce)
SHISHIDO Kuniaki (JGSS Research Center, Osaka University of Commerce)
SASAKI Takayuki (JGSS Research Center, Osaka University of Commerce)
Changing Lives of the Japanese Elderly Under Uncertainty: An Analysis of Family Types and Economic Status Based on SSM 2005
IWAI Hachiro (Kyoto University)

EASS 2018 Seoul Meetingで報告 (2018年11月16-17日)

EASS 2018 Seoul Meeting: Changes in Family Structure and Quality of Life in East Asia from the Comparative Perspective

Organized by the Institute for Social Development and Policy Research of Seoul National University, the Korea Institute for Health and Social Affairs, and the Survey Research Center of Sungkyunkwan University

Changes of Family in Taiwan: Comparing EASS data of 2006 and 2016
CHANG Chin-fen (Professor, Institute of Sociology, Academia Sinka, Taiwan)
Three-generation Co-residence in East Asia: Implications for Well-being and Risks
FU Yang-chih (Professor, Institute of Sociology, Academia Sinka, Taiwan)
Changes in Attitudes toward Family and Gender in Kroea: 2006-2016
LEE Yun-Suk (Professor, University of Seoul, Korea)
Comparison of Gender Role and Family in Korea, Japan, Taiwan, and China
KYE Bongoh (Professor, Kookmin University, Korea)
Changes of Chinese Attitudes in Family and Gender Roles: 2006-2017
WANG Weidong (Professor, Renmin University, China)
A comparative study of marriage and fertility between China and Japan
YANG Hui (Associate Fellow, Women's Studies Institute of China, All-China Women's Federation, China)
Changes of Family Values and Behavior in Four East Asian Societies Based on EASS 2006 and EASS 2016
IWAI Noriko (Professor, Osaka University of Commerce, Japan)
SHISHIDO Kuniaki (Professor, Osaka University of Commerce, Japan)
SASAKI Takayuki (Associate Professor, Osaka University of Commerce, Japan)
Family Changes and Family Values in Asian Societies: Exploring Similarities and Differences Based on EASS 2006/2016 and CAFS
IWAI Hachiro (Professor, Kyoto University, Japan)
Development of East Asian Social Surveys
IWAI, Noriko (Osaka University of Commerce)

EASS Conference 2018の報告 (2018年10月27日)

I. Presentations by KGSS
What Can We Do by Merging KGSS and City Big Data?
KANG, Jeong-han, Eehyun, KIM, and Beomsoo, KIM (Center for Digital Social Science, Yonsei University)
KIM, Jibum (Survey Research Center, Sungkyunkwan University)
KIM, Seok-ho (Department of Sociology, Seoul National University)
Patriarchy and Reaction to #MeToo: Topic Modeling of Open-ended Survey Questions
SONG, Junmo and Seulgi, CHOI (Center for Digital Social Science, Yonsei University)
II. Presentations by JGSS
Changes in Traditional Values and Attitudes towards Globalization in Japan Based on EASS 2008 and EASS 2018
IWAI, Noriko (JGSS Research Center, Osaka University of Commerce)
Changes in Cultural Contacts and Social Distance in Japan Based on EASS 2008 and EASS 2018
TAKEMOTO, Keisuke (JGSS Research Center, Osaka University of Commerce)
III. Presentations by TSCS
A Comparison of Response Scales: Evidence from the Health Module in TSCS
LIAO, Pei-shan (Research Center for Humanities and Social Sciences,Academia Sinica)
The Impact of Diversified Migration Experience upon Individual’s SES
WU, Chyi-In (Institute of Sociology, Academia Sinica)

国際社会学会2018で報告 (2018年7月15日~21日)

■RC06 Family Research (2018年7月20日)

Session: 142 Changing Patterns of Asian Family Values and Practices: Comparative Studies Based on Cross-National Datasets in Asia

Session Organizer & Chair: Hachiro IWAI, Kyoto University

Changes of Family Values and Behavior in Four East Asian Societies Based on Eass 2006 and Eass 2016
IWAI, Noriko: Osaka University of Commercem
SHISHIDO, Kuniaki: Osaka University of Commerce
SASAKI, Takayuki: Osaka University of Commerce
Asian Family Values in the 21st Century: Overview of Comparative Asian Family Survey Data
EUN, Ki-Soo: Seoul National University
DATE, Heiwa: Shiga University
Ten-Year Changes of Attitudes Toward Gender Role and Patriarchy in Four East Asian
CHEN, Yu-Hua: National Taiwan University
CHANG, Chin-fen: Academia Sinica
Realized, Unrealized or Excess Fertility? Evidence from Comparative Asian Family
Surveys in China, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan and Turkey
Ismet, KOC: Hacettepe University
Vietnamese Family Values: Similarities and Differences between Two Large Cities in the North and the South-Ha Noi and Can Tho
NGUYEN, Minh: Vietnam Academy of Social Sciences
The Employment of Wives and Income Inequality in Japan
OJIMA, Fumiaki: Doshisha University


RC24 Environment and Societyのセッションで報告(2018年7月18日)

Session: 451 Gender and Environment

Session Organizer & Chair: Keiko HIRAO, Sophia University, Japan

Gender Differences in Attitudes Toward the Nuclear Power Policies and in Pro-Environment Behavior: Empirical Results Based on Japanese General Social Survey Data
IWAI, Noriko: Osaka University of Commerce
SHISHIDO, Kuniaki: Osaka University of Commerce

RC39 Sociology of Disasters のセッションで司会 (2018年7月19日)

Session: 694 Differential Impacts of Disasters By Gender and Generation

Session Organizer & Chair: Noriko IWAI, JGSS Research Center, Osaka University of Commerce


国際会議 Survey Research and the Study of Religion in East Asia のEASSのセッション (2017年10月11日)

Presentation session #2: Key datasets

The International Social Survey Program 2018 study of religion in East Asia and around the world
Tom W. Smith: NORC at the University of Chicago
Multi-perspective measurement of religion in current China
WANG, Weidong: Renmin University of China
Measuring religion in Japan: ISM, NHK and JGSS
IWAI, Noriko: Osaka University of Commerce
Measuring religion in South Korea: the KGSS
KIM, Jibum: Sungkyunkwan University



国際社会学会 The 1st RC33 Regional Conference on Social Science Methodology: Asia のEASSのセッション (2017年9月14日)

Session: Distributed Papers Survey Methodology in East Asian Social Survey (EASS)

Effects of Differences in Response Scale in Cross-National Surveys
IWAI, Noriko: Osaka University of Commerce
Contactability and Survey Response in KGSS: An Event History Analysis on the 2010 KGSS Paradata
KIM, Seokho: Seoul National University
PARK, Barum: New York University
KIM, Jibum: Sungkyunkwan University
Workers' Assessments of Employment Stability in East Asia
CHANG, Chin-Fen: Academia Sinica
The Cross-Cultural Validity of Bogardus Social Distance Scale
WANG, Weidong: Renmin University of China



EASS Conference 2017の報告 (2017年6月17日)

I. Work Life in East Asia
Education and Jobs: Match or Mismatch in Three Societies
IWAI, Hachiro: Kyoto University
Working Situations for Women in East Asia
IWAI, Noriko: Osaka University of Commerce
II. Families in East Asia
Intimacy, Equity and Gender Ideology among Married People in East Asia
TSAI, Ming-Chang: Academia Sinica
Changes in Familial Attitudes in South Korea: 2006-2016
LEE, Yun-Suk: University of Seoul
Widowhood and Social Association Participation in Later Life
KIM, Jibum: Sungkyunkwan University
KIM, Sori: Sungkyunkwan University
III. Civil Society
Trust in Public Institutions and Cohort Differences in East Asia
WU, Chyi-In: Academia Sinica
The Structure of Civil Society in East Asia: A Comparative Study on China, Japan, and Korea
KIM, Seokho: Seoul National University
Understanding Individual Environmental Concern in the Context of Local Environmental Governance in China: A Multi-Level Analysis
WANG, Yujun: Renmin University of China

日本家族社会学会大会 国際セッション(2)の報告 (2016年9月11日)

Changes and Current Issues on Families in East Asia : Toward the East Asian Social Survey 2016

Organizer & Chair: Noriko Iwai

Japan, China, Taiwan, and South Korea:Evidence from Macro Statistics and EASS 2006
IWAI, Noriko: Osaka University of Commerce
Women and Family in Transitional China
XIE, Guihua: Renmin University of China
LI, Xincheng: Renmin University of China
The Intergenerational Transmission of Gender Role Attitudes in Taiwan
CHANG, Chin-fen: Academia Sinica
CHEN, Yu-Hua: National Taiwan University
Changes and Current Issues in the Role of Family and Gender in South Korea
CHO, Sungho: Korea Institute for Health and Social Affairs



国際社会学会2014のEASSのセッションと報告 (2014年7月13日~19日)

Integrative Sessions RC/National AssociationsのEASSのセッション

Session: 20 Social Network and Social Capital in East Asian Societies: China, South Korea, Taiwan, and Japan. Session Sponsored By Osaka University of Commerce

Session Organizers: Yanjie BIAN, Xi-an Jiaotong University, China and Noriko IWAI, JGSS Research Center, Osaka University of Commerce, Japan 

The Functions of Social Drinking and Eating in East Asian Societies
Yanjie BIAN, Xi-an Jiaotong University 
Does East Asian Social Capital Bring about Beneficial Effects over Its Indigenous Cultural Constraints? 
Ken'ichi IKEDA, Doshisha University
Do Social Networks and Snss Function As Social Capital for Social Engagement?
Jeong-han KANG, Yongsei University
Sang-wook KIM, Sungkyunkwan University
Social Capital, Civic Engagement, and Political Efficacy in East Asia
Ray-May HSUNG, National Chengchi University
Advancing Social Capital Research: A Discussion of East Asia Research Contributions
Nan LIN, Duke University



RC55 Social Indicators セッションでの報告 (2014年7月16日)

Session: 882 Physical Punishment in Japan / Wellbeing in Latin America

Session Organizers:  Ichiro TANIOKA, Osaka University of Commerce & Hachiro IWAI, Kyoto University

Exploring Social Backgrounds of Domestic Violence in Japan: Findings from Japanese General Social Survey 2008 
Heiwa DATE, Kyoto University
Who Tolerates the Use of Physical Punishment?
Hachiro IWAI, Kyoto University
Gambling Behavior As a Masculinity and Violence Using Japanese General Social Survey 2000 and 2001 
Hyung-Eun YANG, Osaka University of commerce
Ichiro TANIOKA, Osaka University in commerce
Social Conditions of Happiness. the Case of Mexico
Rene Millan, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
The '10-Excess' Phenomenon In Responses To Survey Questions On Happiness
  • Gaël Brulé, Erasmus University Rotterdam
    Ruut VEENHOVEN, Erasmus University Rotterdam
Qualitative Analysis for Sociological Study of Various Conditions of Happiness
  • Akiko MITA, University of Tokyo


RC06 Family Research のセッションでの報告(2014年7月18日)

Session: 128 Family Studies Based on Quantitative Analyses of Surveys

Session Organizer: Rokuro TABUCHI, Sophia University, Japan and Sigeto TANAKA, Tohoku University, Japan

A Current Picture and Overall Trends of Japanese Family Based on Japanese General Social Survey Cumulative Data 2000-2012
Kuniaki SHISHIDO, Osaka University of Commerce
Noriko IWAI, Osaka University of Commerce
Takayuki SASAKI, Osaka University of Commerce



国際シンポジウム2012の報告 (2012年6月9日・10日)

Development of JGSS
大阪商業大学 谷岡 一郎
Religion and Social Activities in Contemporary Japan: Analysis of JGSS Cumulative Data 2000-2002
北海道大学大学院文学研究科 助教 寺沢 重法
Social Science Infrastructure and Research in Comparative Perspective: The General Social Surveys and the International Social Survey Program
GSSディレクター SMITH, Tom W.
Summary of JGSS Cumulative Data 2000-2010
大阪商業大学 岩井 紀子
Transition of English Ability of Japanese Adults Using JGSS-2002 and 2010 Data
大阪商業大学 小磯 かをる
The Youth Labor Market and Occupation in Japan: An Analysis of JGSS Cumulative Data 2000-2010
慶応義塾大学 野崎 華世
The Transformation of Gender Role Attitudes in Japan: An Analysis of JGSS Cumulative Data 2000-2010
大阪商業大学 佐々木 尚之
Japanese Happiness: An Analysis of JGSS Cumulative Data 2000-2010
大阪商業大学 宍戸 邦章
大阪商業大学 佐々木 尚之
Development of East Asian Social Surveys
大阪商業大学 岩井 紀子
Results of EASS 2010 Health Module: Basic Data Presentation
Health Status / Health Behavior / Medical Care / Aging / Social Environment
大阪商業大学 佐々木 尚之
Correlates and Determinants of Body Image in Korea and Taiwan
KIM, Sang-Wook: Sungkyunkwan University
A Comparative Study on Socio-Environmental Determinants of Overweight/Obesity in Asia Countries
CHEN, Duan-Rung: National Taiwan University
Marital Status and Health Condition
TAO, Tao: Renmin University of China
Hopelessness and Health-related Quality of Life in East Asia
TAKEGAMI, Misa: National Cerebral and Cardiovascular Center
IWAI, Noriko: Osaka University of Commerce
Concern about Social Health and Socio-Economic Status in East Asia
MURATA, Chiyoe: Hamamatsu University School of Medicine
A Comparative Study of Health Inequality across Four East Asian Countries: A Preliminary Work
CHO, Youngtae: Seoul National University
Health Status and Social Stratification in East Asia
IWAI, Noriko and TAKEUCHI, Tomohiko: Osaka University of Commerce
Subjective Status and Wellbeing: Resource-generator or Psychosocial Pathways in East Asia Economies
CHANG, Ly-Yun: Academia Sinica
Religious Image of East Asia
WANG, Weidong: Renmin University of China
Network Social Capital in China
BIAN, Yanjie: University of Minnesota and Xi’an Jiaotong University

EASS Conference Spring 2011の報告 (2011年5月19日)

Socio-Economic Status and Self-Rated Health in East Asia: A Comparison of China, Japan, South Korea and Taiwan
HANIBUCHI, Tomoya and NAKAYA, Tomoki, MURATA, Chiyoe
Social Inequality and the Perceived Income Justice Gap in Korea
SHIN, Incheol and KIM, Ju-Hyun, SHIN, Seungbae
Market Reforms and Social Networking Space
Economic Changes and Informal Job Search Channels in Taiwan: An Event History Analysis
CHANG, Fengbin
Measuring the Spatial Dimension of Social Capital: An Exploratory Analysis
LEE, Zong-Rong
East Asian Model of Network Social Capital: A Preliminary Plan of Analysis
BIAN, Yanjie
Objective and Subjective Measures of Body Shape: The Compatibility Issue Revisited in Korea
KIM, Sang-Wook and HWANG, Myung Jin
Prevalence of hopelessness and its impact on Health-related Quality of Life: Results from JGSS-2010

EASS Conference 2010の報告 (2010年11月25日)

Cross-cultural Comparisons on the Process of Status Attainment: Comparisons among Four East Asian Societies based on EASS 2008
IWAI, Hachiro and NAKAO, Keiko
Correlates of 'Unit' Non-Responses in Survey Research: Evidence from the 2010 KGSS
KIM, Sang-Wook
Individual Differences in Response Styles: An Analysis of the 2009 KGSS
KIM, Seokho and SHIN, Incheol
Does Social Distance Explain Everything?: Effects of Sociodemographic Factors on Attitudes toward Immigrants in East Asian Countries
KUNG, Hsiang-Ming and SU, Shuo-Bin
The Heterogeneity of Gender Role Attitudes among Four East Asian Societies
CHEN, Yu-Hua and CHANG, Chin-fen
Pan-East Asian Identity?: The Study of China, Japan, South Korea, and Taiwan
WANG, Yujun and WANG, Weidong
Social Networks and Income Effects in Urban China
ZHANG, Shun and BIAN, Yanjie
Examining motivations for social participation in Japan and Korea

国際社会学会2010のEASSのセッション (2014年7月13日~19日)

Research Committee on Family Research (RC06)  (2010年7月12日)

RC06 Session 1: East Asian families in comparative perspective

A Comparative Perspective on Intergenerational Relations in East Asia
Ju-Ping Lin, National Taiwan Normal University
Chin-Chun Yi, Academia Sinica
From Arranged Marriage to Love Marriage?: An Alternate View of Mate Selection in East Asian Countries 
Junya Tsutsui, Ritsumeikan University
Yu-Hua Chen, National Taiwan University
Chi-Young Koh, Gyeonggido Family and Women’s Research Institute
Housework by husband and wife in Japan, China, Korea and Taiwan
Noriko Iwai, Osaka University of Commerce
Generation in the Middle: Support Provisions Up and Down in Korea and Japan
Gyoung-hae Han, Seoul National University
Sang-Wook Kim, Sungkyunkwan University
Filial Piety in Taiwan and China: Testing the Dual Model of Filial Piety
Kuang-Hui Yeh, Academia Sinica
Chin-chun Yi, Academia Sinica
What Are Asian Family Values?
Ki-Soo Eun, Seoul National University
Societal Context and Conjugal Relations in East Asia
Juhua Yang, Renmin University of China
Yanjie Bian, Xian Jiao-Tung University


Integrative Session (2010年7月16日)

Integrative Session 11: Globalization and changing East Asian societies: China, Japan, South Korea, and Taiwan

Programme coordinator & Chair
Noriko Iwai, Osaka University of Commerce, Japan

Global Mobility and Transnational Relationship in Four East Asian Societies: Determinants and Consequences 
Ming-Chang Tsai 
Globalization and social distance of East Asia
Takayuki Sasaki
Intergenerational Support Exchanges in Korea and Japan
Sang-Wook Kim
Gyounghae Han 
Cross-Cultural Comparisons on the Process of Status Attainment: Comparisons among Four East Asian Societies
Keiko Nakao
Hachiro Iwai



国際シンポジウム2008の報告 (2008年6月7日・8日)

A Generation of Data: The General Social Surveys, 1972-2008 and Beyond
GSSディレクター SMITH, Tom W.

大阪商業大学 谷岡 一郎
東京大学総合文化研究科 博士後期課程 寺沢 拓敬
大阪大学大学院国際公共政策研究科 博士前期課程 李 容玲
Cross-national Social Surveys in East Asia: World Values Survey,ISSP, AsiaBarometer, Asian Barometer, East Asia Value Survey and EASS
大阪大学 湊 邦生
Japanese Perspectives on Asia: An Analysis of JGSS-2006 Data
東京大学社会科学研究所 田邉 俊介
Japanese Philanthropic Behavior and Social Capital Flow: An Econometric Analysis Using JGSS-2005
大阪商業大学 柗永 佳甫
Trends of Japanese Values and Behavioral Patterns based on JGSS Cumulative Data 2000-2006
大阪商業大学 岩井 紀子
大阪商業大学 宍戸 邦章

東京大学社会科学研究所 仁田 道夫
Mate Selection Trends in Japan, Korea, and Taiwan: An Analysis using EASS2006
CHEN, Yu-Hua, TSUTSUI, Junya and KOH, Chi-Young
Women's Subjective Social Identity in East Asia: How Does Family Matter?
CHANG, Chin-fen and TSAI Ming-chang
A Typology of Inter-generational Relations: Comparison between Korea and Japan
HAN, Gyounghae, LEE, Yun-Suk and KIM, Sang-Wook
Lineage Difference in Inter-generational Relations: A Cross-national Comparisons
HAN, Gyounghae and KIM, Sang-Wook
Balance of Intergenerational Support between Husband’s Side and Wife’s Side: Cross-cultural Comparison based on EASS Data
YASUDA, Tokio and IWAI, Noriko

JGSS Colloquium 2007の報告 (2007年11月9日~12日)

 Intergenerational Relationships in Korea:Lineage Differences  
Gyounghae HAN, Sang-Wook KIM  
 Intergenerational Support and Children's Marital Satisfaction: Gender Differences  
Chi-Young KOH  
 Direct and Indirect Contacts between Family Members in Korea:
 A Preliminaly Analysis of the Korean General Social Survey 2006 Data
Ki-Soo EUN  
 Do ‘Little Emperors’ Enhance Marital Stability? Evidence from Urban China  
Yilong LU  
 Intergenerational Assistance to/from Own Parents and Parents-in-law seen in JGSS-2006  
Noriko IWAI, Tokio YASUDA, Kuniaki SHISHIDO, Rokuro TABUCHI  
 Parental Housing Assistance as a Determinant of Parent-child Proximity: Japanese Case  
Rokuro TABUCHI  
 Pretest Results of Taiwan Social Change, the Fourth Phase of Fifth Wave:
 Using East Asian Social Survey (2008 Culture Module) Questionnaire
Ming-chang TSAI, Chin-fen Chang  
 Pretest Results of EASS 2008 Culture Module and Proposed Changes by JGSS  
Miki ENOKI, Noriko IWAI  
 KGSS Comments on EASS 2008 Questionnaire  
Sang-Wook KIM, Chi-Young KOH  
 CGSS Pretest Results of 2008 EASS Globalization Module  
Yanjie BIAN, Lulu LI  

JGSS国際会議2005の報告 (2005年10月30日)

東京都立大学人文学部社会学科 卒 渡辺 朝子  
カリフォルニア大学ロサンゼルス校社会学部 博士課程 額賀 美紗子  
 On East Asian Social Survey(EASS)    
大阪商業大学総合経営学部 教授、JGSS代表幹事 岩井 紀子  
 The effects of children on attachment to dogs in Japanese households:
 Using JGSS Data
大阪商業大学経済学部 助教授 杉田 陽出  
 The Characteristics of Motivation of Japanese Adult English Learners from the
 Data of JGSS-2003
大阪商業大学総合経営学部 助教授 小磯 かをる  
 Commitments to an Organization and Occupation: How Do They Vary by the
 Professional Characteristic of an Occupation
韓国・成均館大学 教授、Survey Research Center 事務局長    
金相旭(KIM, Sang-Wook)  
 Occupational Prestige in South Korea: 1990-2005    
韓国・成均館大学 Survey Research Center 上級研究員    
丘惠蘭(KOO, Hearan)  
韓国・成均館大学教授、Survey Research Center 所長    
共同執筆者:石賢浩(SEOK, Hyunho)  
 The Explanations of Gendered Division of Household Labor: A Cross-National
台湾・中央研究院社会学研究所 研究員    
張晉芬(CHANG, Chin-fen)  
 Changing Attitudes of Co-Residence with Elderly Parents in Taiwan:
 Idealized Values or Practical Concern
台湾・中央研究院社会学研究所 研究員    
章英華(CHANG, Ying-Hwa)  
台湾・中央研究院社会学研究所 研究員    
伊慶春(YI, Chin-Chun)  
 General Social Survey of China 2003: A Methodological Report    
香港科技大学 教授、調査研究中心 主任    
邊燕杰(BIAN, Yanjie)  
中国人民大学 社会学部 教授    
李路路(LI, Lulu)  

JGSS国際シンポジウム2003の報告 (2003年6月21日・22日)

 A Generation of Data: The General Social Survey, 1972-2002  
GSSディレクター SMITH, Tom W.  
 Australia's IsssA: Combining Innovation and Replication for Scientific Advancement  
Professorial Fellow, and Senior Research Fellow, respectively, Melbourne Institute
of Applied Economic and Social Research Principal Investigators (both) : ISSS/A
Dr. KELLEY, Jonathan/Dr. EVANS, Mariah  
 Korean General Social Survey: Design and Plan  
韓国・成均館大学 教授  
石賢浩(SEOK, Hyunho)  
 A Brief Introduction to the Survey on the Social Change in Urban and Rural China  
中国社会科学院社会学研究所方法室 室長  
瀋崇麟(SHEN, Chonglin)  
 The Evolution of the Taiwan Social Change Survey  
台湾・中央研究院社会学研究所 所長  
章英華(CHANG, Yinghwa)  
 Japanese General Social Surveys: Beginning and Development  
大阪商業大学 教授  
岩井 紀子  

国立社会保障・人口問題研究所 国際関係部長 小島 宏  
東京大学大学院情報学環 助教授 本田 由紀  
東京大学社会科学研究所 教授 石田 浩  
中央大学文学部 助教授 安野 智子  
大阪商業大学総合経営学部 教授 木村 雅文  
大阪商業大学総合経営学部 助教授 杉田 陽出  
東京都立大学法学部法律学科 卒(現 警視庁石神井警察署 主事) 石井 将智  
東京都立大学大学院社会科学研究科 博士課程3年 田邉 俊介  
大阪大学大学院人間科学研究科 博士後期課程3年 松谷 満  
科学警察研究所犯罪行動科学部犯罪予防研究室 研究員 島田 貴仁  
大阪大学大学院人間科学研究科 助教授 吉川 徹  