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The operation policy of the JGSS Research Center is discussed and determined by the Steering Committee, in which external researchers constitute a majority of the membership. Members of the Steering Committee represent the different research genres of sociology and social sciences, and present views from various angles. Its operation is subject to an annual evaluation for improvement by an external assessment committee as well as by MEXT.

At the Center, seven internal researchers of the University are dedicated to a research project in conjunction with part-time researchers selected from among applicants following an open call for a joint research project (there are 30 part-time researchers as of December 2008). Graduate students also participate in a joint research project through the "JGSS Researcher Encouraging Program."

The Center carries out its research project in cooperation with several research institutions, and has been on partnership terms with the Institute of Social Science of the University of Tokyo since the launch of the JGSS Research Project until March 2013. In addition, the Center implements East Asian Social Survey jointly with the Survey Research Center of Sungkyunkwan University (Korea), the National Survey Research Center at Renmin University of China and the Institute for Empirical Social Research at X’ian Jiaotong University (China), and the Institute of Sociology of Academia Sinica (Taiwan), while seeking advice and cooperation from NORC at the University of Chicago. Survey data collected by the Center are made public through JGSSDDS (JGSS data download system), ICPSR in the U.S., and GESIS in Germany.

Steering Committee
Chairperson of the Steering Committee
TANIOKA, Ichiro President, Professor
Osaka University of Commerce
Director of JGSS Research Center
IWAI, Noriko Professor
Faculty of Business Administration, Osaka University of Commerce
SHISHIDO, Kuniaki Professor
Faculty of Public Affairs, Osaka University of Commerce
NISHIKAWA, Kazuji Lecturer
Faculty of Business Administration, Osaka University of Commerce
LIN, Pingping Assistant Professor
Faculty of Public Affairs, Osaka University of Commerce
SASAKI, Takayuki Professor
College of Policy Studies, Tsuda University
IWAI, Hachiro Professor
Faculty of Contemporary Social Studies, Setsunan University
HIRAO, Keiko Professor
Graduate School of Letters, Shirayuri University
IKEDA, Ken'ichi Professor
Faculty of Social Studies, Doshisha University
NAKAYA, Tomoki Professor
Graduate School of Environmental Studies, Tohoku University
SASAHARA, Kazutoshi Professor
School of Environment and Society, Institute of Sciecne Tokyo
KOHARA, Miki Professor
Osaka School of International Public Policy, Osaka University

NITTA, Michio Professor Emeritus
The University of Tokyo
OKADA, Akinori Professor Emeritus
Rikkyo University

Research Fellows
TANIOKA, Ichiro President, Professor
Osaka University of Commerce
IWAI, Noriko Professor
Faculty of Business Administration, Osaka University of Commerce
SHISHIDO, Kuniaki Professor
Faculty of Public Affairs, Osaka University of Commerce
NISHIKAWA, kazuji Lecturer
Faculty of Business Administration, Osaka University of Commerce
LIN, Pingping Assistant Professor
Faculty of Public Affairs, Osaka University of Commerce
MO, Tetsuo Research Fellow
JGSS Research Center, Osaka University of Commerce
YOSHINO, Satomi Research Fellow
JGSS Research Center, Osaka University of Commerce

Adjunct Research Fellows
IWAI, Hachiro Professor
Faculty of Contemporary Social Studies, Setsunan University
HIRAO, Keiko Professor
Graduate School of Letters, Shirayuri University
NAKAYA, Tomoki Professor
Graduate School of Environmental Studies, Tohoku University
IKEDA, Ken'ichi Professor
Faculty of Social Studies, Doshisha University
INOUE, Shigeru Professor
School of Medicine, Toko Medical University
HONJO, Kaori Professor
Faculty of Medicine, Osaka Medical and Pharmaceutical University
HANIBUCHI, Tomoya Associate Professor
Graduate School of Letters, Kyoto University
NAKAMURA, Mayumi Professor
School of Economics, University of Toyama
AGATA, Kenji Professor
Faculty of Social Studies, Doshisha University
KOISO, Kaoru Lecturer (part-time)
Osaka University of Commerce
OHASHI, Masahiko Professor Emeritus
Osaka University of Commerce
SUGITA, Hizuru Associate Professor
Faculty of Economics, Osaka University of Commerce
TSUMURA, Mondo Associate Professor
Faculty of Contemporary Social Studies, Kobe Gakuin University
YASUDA, Tokio Professor
Faculty of Sociology, Kansai University
DATE, Heiwa Associate Professor
Faculty of Data Science, Shiga University
MAZUMI, Yuske Associate Professor
Institute of Liberal Arts and Science, Kanazawa University
SUMINO, Takanori Lecturer (part-time)
College of Social Sciences, Ritsumeikan University
TAKEMOTO, Keisuke Assistant Professor
Faculty of Health Sciences, Aino University
TENG, Yuanyuan Assistant Professor
Center for Northeast Asian Studies, Tohoku University
KIM, Jeongwoon Assistant Professor
Faculty of Business Administration, Setsunan University
SANO, Kazuko Assistant Professor
Data Science and AI Innovation Research Promotion Center, Shiga University
SASAKI, Takayuki Professor
College of Policy Studies, Tsuda University
ARAMAKI, Sohei Professor
Graduate School of Human Sciences, Osaka University
HARADA, Chika Associate Professor
Faculty of Human Studies, Meijo University
* Click here to see project members of the JGSS project when designated as a "key institute on the frontiers of academic projects" (Fiscal Year 1999-2008).
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